8 Times the Quran Warned Us About Fake Friends 

Ever had a “friend” who ditched you faster than your WiFi disconnects when you’re streaming? Or one who hyped you up in front of others but dragged your name through the mud behind your back? Yeah. SAME.

But guess what? The Quran has been warning us about fake friends for centuries! And if you’ve been ignoring the red flags, well… consider this your spiritual intervention. Let’s break it down, because the last thing you want is to be that girl who gets played when Allah already gave you the cheat codes. 

1. When They Pretend to Have Your Back… But Actually Don’t

“And among the people is he who says, ‘We believe in Allah,’ but when one [of them] is harmed for [the cause of] Allah, they consider the trial of the people as [if it were] the punishment of Allah.” (Quran 29:10)

Translation? Some people claim to be on your side, but when things get tough, they’re OUT. One minute they’re your biggest supporters, the next minute, GHOSTED.

Moral of the story: Not everyone who smiles at you is your friend.

2. When They Bring More Drama Than Netflix 

“And obey not everyone who swears much and is worthless, A slanderer, going about with malicious gossip.” (Quran 68:10-11)

Sis, if your “friend” loves running their mouth about others, best believe they’re doing the same about you. And if you’re still hanging out with them, congratulations, you’re now part of the Toxic Bestie Cinematic Universe. 

3. When They Act Sweet, But Their Intentions Are Sour 

“They will make you believe they are with you, but in reality, they are not.” (Quran 3:167)

Oof. This is for the two-faced friends who love to play the role of ‘supportive bestie’ but secretly want to see you fail. Their compliments? Backhanded. Their advice? Designed to make you doubt yourself.

Time to block, delete, and move on. 

4. When They Pressure You to Do Things You Know Are Wrong

“And the Day the wrongdoer will bite on his hands [in regret] he will say, ‘Oh, I wish I had taken with the Messenger a way. Oh, woe to me! I wish I had not taken that one as a friend!” (Quran 25:27-28)

Peer pressure is REAL. And the regret? Even more real. If your friends make you feel guilty for choosing the right path, they are not your friends.

Repeat after me: Jannah > Fitting In.

5. When They Make You Doubt Your Faith 

“The hypocrites and those in whose hearts is disease will say, ‘Their religion has deluded those people.’ But whoever puts his trust in Allah, indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise.” (Quran 8:49)

“Oh, so you’re religious now?” “Ugh, why are you always talking about Islam?”

Sound familiar? Yeah. Some people will make you feel weird for actually living by your deen.

But here’s the thing: Your faith isn’t the problem. They are.

6. When They’re Only There for the Good Times 

“And of the people is he who worships Allah on an edge: if he is touched by good, he is reassured by it; but if he is struck by trial, he turns on his face [to disbelief].” (Quran 22:11)

A true friend prays for you, supports you, and is there when life gets rough. A fake friend? Disappears the moment they can’t benefit from you.

Keep the real ones. Drop the seasonal ones.

7. When They Secretly Envy You 

“Or do they envy people for what Allah has given them of His bounty?” (Quran 4:54)

Ever notice how some “friends” get weird when something good happens for you? They’ll never say “MashaAllah” but will find a way to downplay your success.

Bestie, protect your blessings. Not everyone clapping is happy for you.

8. When They Drag You Away From Allah 

“You will see the wrongdoers fearful because of what they have earned, and it will [certainly] befall them.” (Quran 39:51)

If a friend pulls you away from prayer, fasting, or hijab, RUN.

Nothing, literally nothing, is worth sacrificing your relationship with Allah. And if they mock you for trying to be a better Muslim? That’s all the proof you need.

So… What Now?

If you’re realizing some of your “friends” are actually walking red flags , it’s time for a friendship detox. Surround yourself with people who bring you closer to Allah, not further away.

And if you’re thinking, “But where do I find real, supportive, like-minded sisters?”, don’t worry, I got you. 

Check out Sisterhood Circle: The Ultimate Quran-Based Friendship Guide, a powerful resource designed to help you attract real, loyal, and faith-driven friendships. It’s packed with Quranic wisdom, practical steps, and a supportive online community where you’ll NEVER feel alone again.

Don’t wait until you’ve been betrayed for the tenth time. Secure your spot NOW and build the sisterhood you deserve. 

Final Thought: Choose Wisely, Queen.

The people you surround yourself with will either elevate you or destroy you. And as much as we’d love to believe in second chances, the Quran is clear:

 Your friends today shape your Hereafter. Choose wisely.

Now tell me, have you ever had a fake friend experience? Drop your story in the comments below. Let’s talk! 

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