Dealing with FOMO? The Quran Offers a Refreshing Perspective

Hey there, my lovely Muslim fam! If you’re scrolling through Instagram, TikTok, or (for the intellectuals among us) LinkedIn, and feeling like everyone is living their best life while you’re just trying to figure out what’s for dinner, you might be experiencing a little thing called FOMO, Fear of Missing Out.

We’ve all been there. That friend just landed a dream job. Another one is on a dream vacation to Bali. And someone else got married, bought a house, and had twins, all while you were debating whether to binge another episode of your favorite show. Don’t worry, you’re not alone, and thankfully, the Quran has some timeless wisdom to snap us out of this spiral of FOMO-induced anxiety. Let’s dive into it!

FOMO: The Modern-Day Fitnah

First off, let’s admit it: FOMO is the ultimate 21st-century fitnah. Social media is like that one cousin who exaggerates their accomplishments during Eid dinner, you love them, but wow, are they exhausting.

But here’s the truth: No one’s life is as perfect as it looks online. We’re all curating our highlight reels and leaving out the behind-the-scenes chaos. Just like you wouldn’t post your “spilled chai all over my laptop” moment, no one else is airing their failures, heartbreaks, or awkward attempts at achieving TikTok virality.

This is where the Quran comes in clutch. Allah reminds us in Surah Al-Hadid (57:20):

“Know that the life of this world is but amusement and diversion and adornment and boasting to one another and competition in increase of wealth and children…”

Translation? The dunya (this worldly life) is like a reality show, entertaining but ultimately fleeting and lowkey messy. Chasing every trend or comparing yourself to others is like trying to win a game with no prize. Spoiler alert: Jannah (paradise) is the real win.

Allah Is the Ultimate Planner

Let’s talk about the sneaky FOMO thought we all get: “Why them and not me?” Your friend just bought a Tesla? Cool. You’re still taking the bus? Also cool. But remember, Allah’s timing is chef’s kiss perfect.

In Surah Ash-Shura (42:27):

“And if Allah had extended [excessively] provision for His servants, they would have committed tyranny throughout the earth. But He sends [it] down in an amount which He wills…”

Essentially, Allah is saying, “I know you better than you know yourself.” That Tesla might not be the blessing you think it is. Maybe it comes with car payments and parking headaches you’re not ready for. And that dream vacation? It could’ve been a nightmare if you hate long flights and don’t like spicy food. Trust that Allah’s plan for you is better than any Pinterest vision board.

Gratitude: The Ultimate FOMO Buster

Let’s get real for a second. How often do we scroll through other people’s lives and completely ignore the blessings in our own? That’s where the Quran nudges us back to reality. Allah says in Surah Ibrahim (14:7):

“If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]…”

Boom. Gratitude is your secret weapon against FOMO. Try this: The next time you feel like everyone is doing better than you, pause. Reflect on what you already have. Maybe it’s a warm bed, a loving family, or the ability to make a mean bowl of Maggi noodles in under 5 minutes (a skill is a skill, okay?). Gratitude shifts your focus from “I wish I had” to “Alhamdulillah for what I’ve got.”

Unplug and Recharge: It’s Sunnah!

Even our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) knew the value of stepping away from it all. Before he received revelation, he’d retreat to the cave of Hira for reflection. Translation? The OG unplugging.

Sometimes, the best way to deal with FOMO is to take a social media detox. Go for a walk. Pray without rushing. Read Quran (like, actually open the book and not just the app on your phone). Or pick up a hobby that doesn’t involve Wi-Fi. You’ll be amazed at how much better you feel when you stop living life through a screen.

Real Talk: JOMO Is Where It’s At

You know what’s better than FOMO? JOMO, the Joy of Missing Out. The next time you see your friends at an overpriced brunch, think about the $40 you saved by eating your mom’s biryani at home. When someone flexes their new car, enjoy the serenity of not having to worry about insurance premiums.

Allah tells us in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:286):

“Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear…”

Your journey is uniquely yours, and you’re exactly where you’re meant to be. So instead of stressing about what you’re “missing,” embrace the blessings of your current moment. Who knows? Maybe someone out there has FOMO over your life.

Final Thoughts

Look, FOMO is natural. We’re human. But the Quran gently reminds us to shift our perspective. This world is temporary, and what truly matters isn’t the number of likes you get but the contentment in your heart.

So next time FOMO sneaks in, fight back with faith, gratitude, and a little bit of humor. And remember, my fellow Zillennial Muslims: your worth isn’t defined by a Snapchat streak, an aesthetic coffee cup, or how fast you can finish your Duolingo streak in Arabic (although, mashAllah, good on you if you’re trying).

Take a deep breath, say Alhamdulillah, and enjoy the beautiful, imperfect, one-of-a-kind life Allah has blessed you with. FOMO who? Exactly.

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